Chapter 1: Introduction to Visual Studio and .Net Environments
Chapter 2: Principles of C# Language
Chapter 3: Creating the First Apps Under Windows
Chapter 4: Designing and Implementing a Calculator
Chapter 5: Design and Implementation of notepad application
2-5. Design and implementation of notepad application
3-5. Common dialog boxes
4-5. What is the file?
5-5. Using Clipboard
6.5. Creating a New Class
5.7. Creating Multi-Form Programs
Chapter 6: Designing and implementing a phonebook
2-6.ADO.NET what is the ruling?
3-6. SqlConnection Class
4-6. Different Parts of ConnectionString
5-6. SqlCommand Class
6-6. Connection Properties
7-6. CommandText Property
8-6. Parameters properties of sqlCommand object
9-6. ExecuteNonQuery Method
10-6. SqlDataAdapter Class
11-6. Set SelectCommand property
6.12. Adjusting selectCommand's specificity using the stored projector
13-6. Fill Method
14-6. DataView Class
15-6. Sort Property
16-6. RowFilter Properties
6-17. Using ADO.NET in practice
6.18. Designing and implementing a phonebook
19-6. What is CurrencyManager and BindingContext?
The irgoods e-commerce team, with experience in dozens of major national projects and several international projects, has always tried to be present in its field of activity. Today, the team has been able to respond to any e-business by preserving the culture and development process.